
smith barney中文是什么意思

  • 巴尼公司
  • 旗下的美邦
  • 史密斯巴尼希尔森



  • 例句与用法
  • Citi s major brand names include citibank , citifinancial , primerica , citi smith barney and banamex
    花旗商标旗下之主要品牌包括花旗银行花旗财务primerica citi smith barney及banamex 。
  • And for the record , 6 salomon smith barney and its corporate parent , citigroup , declined to comment on grubman ' s compensation
  • Last year wealth rose by 16 % to a record ? 4 , 267 billion , according to calculations by the investment bank salomon smith barney
    根据投资银行的萨洛蒙?史密斯?巴尼计算,去年的财富增长了16 ,达到创纪录的42670亿英镑。
  • Last year wealth rose by 16 % to a record - - 4 , 267 billion , according to calculations by the investment bank salomon smith barney
    根据萨洛蒙?史密斯?巴尼投资银行的计算,去年的财富增长了16 ,达到创纪录的42670亿英镑。
  • According to information unveiled from the sample group , netvalue s global clients such as freeserve , msn , societe generale , salomon smith barney and yahoo can discover different opportunities and make strategies
    依据样本组所获得的信息, netvalue全球的客户如freeserve , msn , societe generale , salomon smith barney和雅虎能够洞察各种机遇和策略。
  • On the research of etf , because the development of etf in foreign country becomes mature , it is mainly about the positive analysis of etf ’ s efficiency and application , such as salomon smith barney ( 2002 ) ’ s research on etf ’ s liquidity and discount / premium price using snap method , edwin j . elton ’ s comparative analysis on etf ’ s tracking error , parkd and switzer ( 1995 ) 、 lu and marsden ( 2000 ) ’ s positive research on etf ’ s price efficiency . in our country ,
    在etf的研究上,国外由于etf的发展比较成熟,相关的研究主要侧重于对etf的运作效率及其应用进行实证分析,如salomonsmithbarney ( 2002 )采用快照式研究对etf的流动性和折/溢价问题进行了研究, edwinj . elton等对etf的跟踪误差进行了比较分析, park和switzer ( 1995 ) 、 lu和marsden ( 2000 )对etf的定价效率进行了实证检验。
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